Friday, July 30, 2010
Client Showcase—Making Hospital Food Look Good

Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Photo Techniques—Framing to Create Focus

Monday, July 26, 2010
Client showcase: Hospital Launches Regional Spine Center

Providence St. Mary Medical Center asked CMBell Company to partner with them on the launch of their new regional spine center—the first of its kind in their community. The message had to:
· Catch the reader’s attention.
· Connect the words “spine center” to back or neck pain. We couldn’t assume that people would make that connection since this is a new product category in this community.
· Be distinctive.
· Be reduced to just seven words on an outdoor board.
In this campaign, the "blue man" image communicates back pain. Its distinctive, dominant nature makes it a strong anchoring visual for the campaign in lighted airport displays, outdoor, print ads, collateral and direct mail. The text uses alliteration and strong consonants and plays on the double words of this unique community name to create a memorable message.
Friday, July 23, 2010
Gladwell Looks Inside Success

Thursday, July 22, 2010
How to Drive More Traffic to Your Web Site
Start by understanding the basics of Search Engine Optimization, or SEO—the process of improving Web site visibility. Search engines aim to produce valuable results for users—and want to avoid sending users to sites that disappoint in content. We all know how frustrating it is to be referred to a site that doesn't have what it promises.
Web sites show up higher on the search results page based on their popularity, and while it does take time to build awareness, there are ways to improve your position.
Google uses proprietary algorithms to determine which sites are the most popular, and some industry experts devote their lives to trying to figure out how these can best be used to their advantage. This has resulted in an on-going competition between Web developers, who want the best possible rankings (and will sometimes push the envelope to achieve this), and Google, who is trying to revise its algorithms to prevent developers from gaming the system. As Web developers find ways to "get around" Google's algorithms, Google responds by changing it—and the cycle repeats.
While experts who devote their entire livelihoods to this can help with this, here are a few ways you can improve your site's rankings in a search result:
- Have fresh, relevant and desirable content that is easy to search.
- Cross-link both within your site and to other sites.
- Buy sponsored links (these appear at the top or along the side of the search results).
- Think like the consumer. If you have a pain management practice, for example, bear in mind that consumers will search for things like pain relief, back pain, neck pain, and pain doctors--but may not search under pain management clinic. Make sure common key words words appear in your site.
- Add a site map.
- Make your site friendly for search engines to crawl (gather information used to index sites). For example, don't put key information or links in graphics or Flash animations, as search engines cannot detect these.
- Avoid doing things that will be detected as spamming—like keyword stuffing.
- Create a blog.
Experts agree that the most important way to increase traffic is by having compelling content. It takes work, so be prepared to make the investment required to make your Web site a success.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
The Word Doctor: Be Active

“The bottle was opened by Spencer. “
It sounds awkward because it is. People don’t speak in passive voice, which is why writing in passive voice doesn’t resonate with readers. Active voice orders sentences more naturally:
“Spencer opened the bottle.”
Notice how “James saw the bird fly over the man and ruin his day” sounds much better than, “The bird that flew over the man and ruined his day was seen by James.”
Avoid passive verbs and you’ll avoid passive voice. There’s no need to be passive about being active.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Client Showcase—Using Direct Mail to Identify Qualified Leads

Friday, July 16, 2010
Client Showcase—Pacific EP Invitation

Wednesday, July 14, 2010
How well are you prepared to protect your reputation in a crisis?

- Do you have a crisis management plan?
- Have you identified which team members you'll trust internally during a high profile event?
- Are the right decision makers and managers ready to act and make decisions quickly?
- Do you have a trained spokesperson who can effectively mitigate, manage and present a believable face for your organization when the media calls?
- Can you activate the right political and regulatory agencies to either be neutral or come to your support?
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Client Showcase—Academic Bulletin Covers

Monday, July 12, 2010
Client Showcase—A New Look for an Old Firm

Friday, July 9, 2010
Client Showcase—Hospice Direct Mail

Yakima Valley Memorial Hospital is raising money for an innovative, home-like facility for hospice patients who are unable to live out their final days at home. This direct mail piece launched their fund-raising campaign for Cottage in the Meadow and revitalized conversations about living every stage of life fully.
The imagery of the piece reflects the idyllic setting of Cottage in the Meadow, inspiring the reader to become a part of something destined to matter deeply to those who need this kind of care.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
The Art of Civilized Conversation

This pleasant little book declares itself to be a guide to expressing yourself with style and grace—and that it does. It's a delightful read for those looking to polish their speaking skills and offers practical advice on topics like:
Greetings and introductions
Body language
10 rules of good conversation
Rescuing oneself from conversation blunders
Conversations with all kinds of people
On-line conversations
Graceful apologies
Conversation starters (and stoppers)
Being a gracious hostess
The authors share practical and entertaining advice about finding the right words for any situation—even the most difficult.
This book isn't just for professional communicators, but is a good book for anyone aspiring to be a better conversationalist. Buy it here.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Independence Day
Friday, July 2, 2010
Client Showcase—Using Testimonials to Promote Your Service