A tagline works because of how it sounds, how it looks, how memorable it is and how easily it conveys a brand promise. Creating taglines is some of the most difficult writing, because so much is demanded from so few words.
We can all name taglines that worked, like:
- Just do it (Nike)
- Got milk? (California Milk Processor Board)
- Where's the beef? (Wendy's)
- Think different. (Apple Computer)
- Melts in your mouth, not in your hands. (M&Ms)
- It takes a licking and keeps on ticking. (Timex)
But here are some that we're not so sure of:
- We're Exxon. (Exxon)
- We're chicken. (Tyson)
- Is that Playtex under there? (Platex)
- Being cliche.
- Being bland or boring.
- Attempting to imitate another good tagline.
- Not being true to your brand.
- Being self-serving.
- Using complex, long words.
Read more about these tagline mistakes at taglineguru.com
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