Thursday, December 30, 2010

There's No Such Thing as Good Writing

Only good rewriting.

One of my college writing professors drilled this into our heads, and I confess it’s one of the few lines I remember from that class. But it has served me well in times of writing—especially when writing ad copy, where the allocated space is so spare. Every word simply must do its job. Every nuance has to be considered. We often have full-on discussions about a single word or phrase.

Did they clamor or bellow? Was it disturbing or agitating? Did he flinch or recoil?  See how each word has a slightly different meaning?

Writing isn’t unlike gardening, for those of you warm to that metaphor. It takes patience, tending, and lots of weeding (sometimes even replanting). It’s also like cooking. It often has to marinate to get the full flavor.

So don’t be discouraged if the first words out aren’t show-stoppers. They rarely are. But they often give birth to the perfect word, given time and effort. And that’s the difference between ordinary writing and great writing.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

A New Year's Prayer

We are grateful to you—our clients and our readers—for inspiring us, teaching us, and exploring the world of ideas with us on our blog.

In the spirit of the season, we offer you this New Year's Prayer for a more compassionate world—and our commitment to strive to do our part in making it such.

We wish each of you the joy of the season, and a new year marked by good health, hope and peace for you and yours.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Give a Priceless Gift for Christmas

Sometimes the best gifts can't be wrapped. This season, consider these priceless gifts:

To your enemy, forgiveness.
To an opponent, tolerance.
To a friend, your heart.
To a customer, service.
To all, charity.
To every child, a good example.
To yourself, respect.
—Oren Arnold

Image Source

Monday, December 20, 2010

Client Showcase—An E-card That Makes a Statement

A simple way to distinguish your company is to say farewell to those tedious pre-printed holiday cards and create something customized.This is the time for the little black dress, not the standard pantsuit, if you want people to see your firm as innovative and successful.

The law firm of Gresham Savage hired us to develop their annual holiday e-card, which gave us a great opportunity to tie their centennial year messages in to their holiday message.

While an e-card isn't the place for overt selling, it definitely leaves an impression about your company. In this case, we wanted to link the history of the firm to the history of the community—deepening their bonds and thanking the community for their role in this milestone.

People like to be thanked, and the holidays are a perfect time to not only do this, but create a classy, distinctive piece for your firm that sets it apart. Plan now to make an e-card part of your company's social media strategy next year.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Who's to say what's impossible?

“If we worked on the assumption that what is accepted as true really is true, then there would be little hope for advancing.” —Orville Wright

Today we commemorate the first successful flights near Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, in a heavier-than-air, mechanically propelled airplane that was made by Orville and Wilbur Wright on December 17, 1903. May all your dreams find wings.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Client Showcase—Emergency Department Brochure

We refreshed the look of these brochures for the emergency department at Avista Adventist Hospital. On a budget, we used existing copy and redesigned the piece to conform with their newer corporate graphic standars.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Advertising Savvy—Avoid Visual Clutter

“Before leaving the house, a lady should stop, look in the mirror, and remove one piece of jewelry.” —Coco Chanel

The single most common mistake in visual advertising is clutter, and when it comes to advertising, less is more. If there are aspects of your design that aren't absolutely essential to delivering the message, get rid of them. Chaotic, overworked ads will never be read.

This ad for children's martial arts classes is a visual assault that tries to incorporate a patterned background, photographs of children, numerous type fonts, building block illustrations, a headline, bullet list, call to action, company name, phone number and url.

Now compare that to this simple, benefit-driven message done by Banda, Bulgaria. It features only a simple background and illustration, a three-word headline and the company logo.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

What do your colors say about you?

Do you want to convey power? Innovation? Leadership? Success? Whatever your message, color will contribute to the impression. Color—Messages and Meanings, is a great book from Pantone’s color resource collection that can inform your choices. A lovely little book filled with colors, color combinations, moods, visuals, designs and ideas, it sparks reactions, starts dialogue, and fuels creativity. Get your copy here.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Client Showcase—Hawaii's Largest Health Plan Takes its Story to the People

When HMSA, Hawaii’s largest provider of health care coverage, contacted CMBell Company, they were looking to create an attitude shift regarding their innovative new health care initiatives. We work with them to develop a Power Point presentation that would be delivered at public forums by their capable senior vice president.

To paint the vision for their initiative, we created a fictional character and walked her through the present—and proposed—health system to bring their plan to life. The presentation, they report, has been effective both in terms of getting their message out to the business community and in influencing their intended providers.

The successful combination of a compelling story, presented in person by a credible speaker, can sometimes yield big results for a company. For some situations, nothing compares to face-to-face communication.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Client Showcase—A Direct Mail Piece That Won't Be Ignored

For their 100 year anniversary, the law firm of Gresham Savage wanted a direct mail piece for community leaders, clients and prospective clients that would make an unforgettable statement about their firm’s legacy. For this, we worked with them to create a handsome gift box that paired a brochure with a Gresham Savage pen and five custom-developed note cards that featured historical images of their community.

This allowed us to not only tell their story but to acknowledge the role their community has played in reaching this milestone. The vintage note cards showcase local sites and leave the recipient with a handsome collection of cards and envelopes to use as they see fit. It isn’t often that a direct mail piece delivers something of value to the recipient, but when it does, you can guarantee a higher level of impact.

Thursday, November 25, 2010


"As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them." —John F. Kennedy

We wish all of our followers, friends and clients a gratitude-filled Thanksgiving. What are you thankful for today?

Image source

Monday, November 22, 2010

Beware the Nasty Mug Shot in Your Ads

Think you're saving money by using a photo in your ad that was taken by your personnel department—or someone else in the organization who fancies himself a photographer? We'd suggest you can the ad altogether if you can't produce a good, professional-quality picture.

Whenever you're promoting a professional service, a strong photo of the right kind is imperative. We've seen too many similar ads where the  photo looks like a passport photo or police mug shot—conveying him or her as lifeless, unengaged, unprofessional and even incompetent.

By contrast, the images used in these two ads capture the vibrancy and personality of these physicians. They invite you to trust them with your health, and are warm without being overly chummy.

When we work with health care clients, we insist that physicians wear uniforms or lab coats—sometimes to great resistance. In the same way the public expects a police officer, military personnel or airline captains to be in uniform, they still want to see evidence of this professionalism in the apparel worn by health care providers. If you're inclined to disagree, ask yourself how you'd feel boarding an airplane with staff wearing jeans and polo shorts—or worse yet, t-shirts.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

You Can Be Indispensible

Ever notice how easy it is for all of us to see all that is wrong with the world? Anyone can point out problems, but it's the one who brings solutions to their organizations that stands out.

You will be surprised how quickly you can distinguish yourself by observing this one simple rule. By seeing and addressing the strategic issues that impact the success and future of the organization, you can establish yourself as a visionary, a leader and a valuable member of the team.

More often than not this requires more persistence and positive attitude than it does brilliance. As Albert Einstein once said, "It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I stay with problems longer."

Monday, November 15, 2010

Good Ad/Bad Ad—Don't Make Your Reader Work Too Hard

Ads that work don't make consumers work hard to get their point. If it takes more than a second or two to figure out, most of us will move on unless we're highly engaged in the topic.
Even if you can't afford a formal research project, you can test for this by running your ad by people (more than one) who know nothing about the topic. Make them do a walk-by and ask them what the ad is for, whether they remember the name, and what they could do if they wanted to buy the product or service (is a call to action evident).

Here are two examples of a similar message—one that's effective, and one that isn't. The first billboard:
1. Is too busy—impossible to read it all while flying down the freeway—so some key messages will be lost.
2. Doesn't immediately telegraph the problem that I can relate to—a need to lose weight.
3. Buries the potentially relevant "judgment free zone" message in fussy, small type.
In the example below, by The Johnson Group, the message is both simple and clear. Most of us can relate to the bulge, and the tipped angle of the board cleverly reinforces the overweight message. A URL might have been a nice addition, if it were available—but fortunately, the fitness center's name is dominant enough to remember—and to search for online later, when one has the chance.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Social Media—Can we make it easy, please?

Like most everyone else in this field, I’m still observing, analyzing and sorting through the ideas I read about how to use social media effectively.

One truth seems to be emerging, however. Social media is about creating relationships—not “talking to” or “talking at.” And there are no quick fixes for doing this.

Just like creating face-to-face relationships, these virtual relationships are built over time as two parties assess one another and decide if there’s a match. There’s no value in doing the peacock act—trying to look bigger or better than you are—because ultimately people get to the truth about us or our businesses by observing what we do—not just what we say. It calls us to pay as much attention to who we are becoming as people or as organizations as it does to crafting a message. And that's a tall order.

So the answer to my question—can we make social media easy—is no. We can’t. It’s even less about fluff and posturing and self-promotion than the more traditional forms of advertising or communication, because it opens the conversation up to the crowd, who is now able to collectively pool their observations about our company or product. And it's more like one-on-one relationship, that demands more than sanitized PR messages—and wants something of value.

There is no substitute for substance. Care about your work, your clients or customers, and then talk with and listen to them. Social media is a great tool—but it is only that, the tool. It is not the message, nor is it the deliverables. But it holds great promise for a new kind of truer, two-sided relationships and evaluation of our products and services. And I like that.

Image Source

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Freedom Isn't Free

I recently came back from visiting Washington, DC, where I spent some time at Arlington Cemetery.  One cannot visit this sacred place without a renewed sense of the great price of freedom.

As I stood quietly overlooking that sea of graves, I had an even deeper sense of gratitude for the great sacrifice made by those who have given their lives for this country--as well as those who are presently in active service and in harms way.

I invite you to join CMBell Company in saluting our veterans not just on Veterans Day, but every day. May we live in a way honors their service.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Reaching the 18- to 29-Year-Old

In John Zogby's fascinating book, The Way We'll Be, he offers insights into how 18- to 29-year-olds think:
  • They care about more than just themselves—contrary to how they've been depicted
  • They celebrate diversity—and expect marketers to realize that
  • They think and buy globally, and travel extensively
  • Just about everything in their lives is public, and they're far more comfortable with this lack of privacy than their parents
  • Their space is the Internet—and they're easily accessible through social media
Whatever your business, you'll likely need to be talking with (not to) this demographic. Zogby helps start the interesting and relevant conversation about how best to engage them.

Source: The Way We'll Be, John Zogby. Buy it here.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Color Psychology—The Facts About Black

"Black is beautiful." —Huey Newton

Black will always have a presence, not only in the world of fashion, but in all design disciplines. Adding black to a color or design adds impact, depth, weight, substance and even subtlety.
Black wields a strong presence and is perceived as powerful, stylish, contained, modern and yet classic.

Of course, black is often an accent color that takes on variations in meaning based on the color with which it is paired. As you choose black in your design, consider the moods it conveys: power, elegance, sophistication, boldness, mystery, strength, luxury, magic, darkness, seriousness or prestige.

Use black whenever you want to convey these attributes, but remember that quantity and context can influence the overall impact.


Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Advertising Savvy—Use Visuals that Work

Although ads don't require visuals, research has shown that 70% of viewers will look only at the visual in the ad, where only 30% will read the headline.

Of course, the quality of the visual will also determine who stops to read the ad. Photographs tend to have a higher impact than illustrations. This might be because viewers can relate more to the realism of photography than the conceptual nature of an illustration.

Whether you choose photography or illustration, make sure that your visuals are captivating and arresting. They will make all the difference in getting your ad the attention it deserves.

Lets take a look at two similar ads that promote giving the gift of higher education. The first is quite text-heavy and relies on a rather pedestrian graphic. Which one is more likely to get your attention?

The second, by Red Square Agency, is nearly all graphic, but conveys the message much more clearly.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Let's have an open house!

The good is often the enemy of the great. Consider the special event, for example. Very often, event planning uses extensive internal labor resources while producing returns that don't merit the cost. Since labor costs are often hidden, many times the event's true costs are not identified.

When determining if an event is a good marketing investment, begin by adding up the cost of the promotion, the event expenses, the hours staff spent to organize it (including support departments like maintenance and food service). Then ask what value it brings to the organization. Does it recruit new customers? Change consumer perception about a critical service or product? Does it create the desired goodwill among the right audience?

If the same resources were used for direct sales calls, would the impact on the institution be greater? With time at a premium, make sure that your efforts are focused on enhancing revenue and improving the organization’s image with the largest, most influential groups. And remember that choosing to do one thing always means that you are choosing not to do another.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Client Showcase—Hospice Print Ad

We designed this ad as part of our Cottage in the Meadow campaign for Yakima Valley Memorial Hospital. Through the creation of a visual oasis, the ad steps outside of the expected and inspires readers to become a part of the building of a new home-away-from-home for hospice patients in their community. It appeals to the human longing to do something bigger and more lasting with one's life and gives the reader opportunity to donate to a project that promises this kind of fulfillment.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Client Showcase—Emergency Department Campaign

Everyone who has ever been to an emergency room can relate to this message, which promises shorter wait times. There's always a delicate balance in this kind of advertising to be sure the message doesn't promise more than it can deliver. We've seen other similar emergency room campaigns that feature bold promises that are weakened in the body copy with all kinds of disclaimers. Others are cagey--and if you're not discerning, lead you to believe that you'll see a physician right away, but actually promise only that you'll be taken to a patient  room right away. It's always better to "under promise" and "over deliver," but a promise that is too soft can fail to compel.

We shot a custom image for this ad to make it distinctive, and featured a promise that was both relevant and truthful. It's impossible to miss this message even if you just glance at the ad quickly--as the story and headline deliver the punchline without making the reader work too hard.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Columbus Day—Inspiration for Overcoming Obstacles

You never know where a dream will take you, but you can be sure obstacles will arise along the way.

Christopher Columbus earned the right to make this quote: “By prevailing over all obstacles and distractions, one may unfailingly arrive at his chosen goal or destination.”

Image Source

Friday, October 8, 2010

Naming—See It, Say It, Hear It Before You Buy It

A good company, product or service name can help set your brand up for success. When selecting a name, think not only about what it conveys and how it sounds, but about what will it look like on a business card, a sign, a package, or an outdoor board.

The Visualizer, by Catchword Branding, allows you to see how it might appear in different applications.

Although this is just one aspect that should be considered when choosing a name, using this simple tool can help you assess your test name's visual effectiveness.

Are there any names you think work especially well visually?

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Client Showcase—Law Firm Direct Mail Piece

When the growing southern California law firm of Gresham Savage brought on a successful new attorney, they wanted an announcement that would be memorable and impressive. We designed this five-panel piece to introduce him to their clients, using confident colors and sophisticated imagery to make a winning first impression.

This direct mail piece won a 2010 Silver Award in the 7th Annual Service Industry Advertising Awards.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Test Your Tagline

Is your tagline a winner?

Maybe. Is it simple? Succinct? Believable? Clear? Original?

The Tagline Guru offers 20 attributes on which you can rate your tagline. To find out if your tagline is genius, or a snoozer, take this quick test.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Execution Trumps Brilliant Idea

Being brilliant can be an asset, but knowing how to execute a strategy—that's what will make you a rising star in an organization. Many strategies fail in the execution stage—even though the original idea was a winner. That's because big ideas are much easier to come by than the long, hard haul of building a service or product.

If that weren't the case, there'd be myriad knock-offs for every business success. Who can't walk into a McDonalds and observe their big ideas in action? Yet few are able to replicate this operationally.

Pay attention to the people in your organization who know how to execute an idea successfully, and see what they have to teach you.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Color Psychology—What does yellow say?

"Follow the yellow brick road..." —Dorothy in the "Wizard of Oz"

As the color of the sun, yellow owns the attributes of heat, vitality, energy and light. This extroverted color is confident, friendly, warm and inspires the imagination. Yellow is an important color in human development, as one of the most attractive colors to an infant's eye. It is also the color that is most visible, heightens awareness and creates clarity. Because of its ability to attract attention, yellow is often used in signage, point of purchase displays and packaging.

Consider the meaning of various shades of yellow as you select colors to support your messages:
  • Light yellow: cheering, happy, soft, sunny, warming, sweet, easy, pleasing,
  • Bright yellow: illuminating, joyful, hot, lively, friendly, energetic, innovative, surprise, caution (cowardice, betrayal, hazard)
  • Golden yellow: nourishing, buttery, tasty, sun-baked, hospitable, comfort
  • Amber: jewelry, multi-cultural, mellow, abundant, original, autumn
  • Metallic gold: rich, glowing, intuitive, luxurious, opulent, expensive, radiant, valuable

Monday, September 27, 2010

Photo Techniques—Adjusting Levels for Impact



An image that looks like a murky, unusable mess can sometimes hide a true gem. Digital photographs can hold information that can be used by a skilled designer to improve color and contrast.

In the sample above, we took a digital image and used adjustment levels in Photoshop to bring out the image's true colors and depth. By controlling different areas of the image, we were able to add contrast to the sky, lighten the countryside and leave the dramatic, dark color of the highway untouched. Better, don't you think?

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Selling Benefits, Not Features

We ask too much from consumers if they must connect the dots between the features of our product or service and the way these features will benefit them. If you're selling mattresses, your brand promise is a good night's sleep—not the attributes of the mattress itself.

This is sometimes hard to do because it is easier to see the world from the company's perspective, where we reside, rather than from the customer's perspective.

Pay attention to ads you see today and see how well they convey a benefit to the customer—rather than the product's or service's features. We'd love to hear what you learn.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Name That Font

How well do you know your fonts? Take this quiz and try to beat the average score of 58%.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Word Doctor—Use Short, Fresh Words

As Theodore Rees Cheney says in Getting the Words Right, "a writer in our business needs a store of expressive words"—not a storehouse of long, complex Latin-derived words.

The right words breathe life into your message and help the reader envision more vivid visual images. As Cheney says, consider words like break, scatter or glimmer. These short words "are concrete and create immediate sense impressions." Here's an example:

Before: If I take the time to look outside of my window during the day, I can see a street covered with snow and ice. People are carrying their briefcases, packages and handbags and trying to balance themselves with care so as not to slip on the ice and fall.

After: The streets outside my window are covered with snow. Fearful people, clinging to their wares, shuffle cautiously to avoid a fall.

(Cheney, p. 157-158)

Monday, September 13, 2010

Most Customers Impacted by Their On-Line Experience with a Brand

According to the 2009 Razorfish study, 65% of consumers report that a digital brand experience has changed their opinion—either positively or negatively—about a brand. Even more significant is the fact that 97% report that a digital brand experience has influenced their decision to buy, or not to buy.

Consumers can move from awareness to purchase to recommendation—in a very short time. Engagement creates customers not just through social media but across the entire digital channel. Instead of focusing on clicks and impressions, conversations and brand engagement should be the focus of your digital media strategies.

Even if you're in an industry that's still in its infancy when it comes to using digital media, consumers are apt to judge their experience based on their experiences with other industries. Which leads me to my question of the day: What kind of on-line experiences are your customers having with your brand?

Source: The Razorfish Digital Brand Experience Report 2009, page 38

Thursday, September 9, 2010

If Walls Could Talk

How many customers set foot in your facility each day? And yet many companies fail to use this free medium for conveying their messages.
Conduct a 10-minute walk-through of your facility and ask yourself whether you can better tell your story through the use of waiting areas, walls and areas that visitors frequent. You’ll pay no media buy fees—and reach people who already have some connection to and interest in your products or services.
Here are just a few ways you can reinforce key strategic messages on-site:
  • Exterior banners
  • Interior banner stands
  • Screensaver messages
  • Posters and displays in heavily travelled corridors
  • Table-top messaging in cafeterias
  • Electronic board messages

Monday, September 6, 2010

Six Tagline Mistakes to Avoid

A tagline works because of how it sounds, how it looks, how memorable it is and how easily it conveys a brand promise. Creating taglines is some of the most difficult writing, because so much is demanded from so few words.
We can all name taglines that worked, like:
  • Just do it (Nike)
  • Got milk? (California Milk Processor Board)
  • Where's the beef? (Wendy's)
  • Think different. (Apple Computer)
  • Melts in your mouth, not in your hands. (M&Ms)
  • It takes a licking and keeps on ticking. (Timex)
But here are some that we're not so sure of:
  • We're Exxon. (Exxon)
  • We're chicken. (Tyson)
  • Is that Playtex under there? (Platex)
Here are pitfalls a good tagline should avoid--from the Tagline Guru (a site worth visiting, by the way):
  1. Being cliche.
  2. Being bland or boring.
  3. Attempting to imitate another good tagline.
  4. Not being true to your brand.
  5. Being self-serving.
  6. Using complex, long words.

Read more about these tagline mistakes at

Friday, September 3, 2010

Color Psychology—What does red say?

"When I gain these ruby slippers, my power will be the greatest in Oz!" —The Wicked Witch of the West

Since early times, red has been a signal to the human mind to act. It is the color of blood, and therefore life-sustaining or life-threatening. Considered the most physical color in the spectrum, it commands strong emotions and stimulates the adrenal glands to energize the body and senses.

  • Light Pink: romantic, soft, sweet, delicate, innocent, fragile, youthful (too sweet)
  • Dusty Pink: soft, subtle, cozy, gentle, nostalgic
  • Bright Pink: exciting, playful, energetic, sensual, wild, festive, vibrant, flirtatious (gaudy)
  • Bright Red: exciting, sexy, dynamic, dramatic, powerful, courageous, assertive, impulsive, demanding, motivating (aggressive, violent, dangerous)
  • Brick Red: earthy, warm, strong, established
  • Deep Reds: rich, elegant, refined, expensive, mature, robust

Monday, August 30, 2010

Advertising Savvy—Know Your Target Audience

Defining your target audience is key to delivering your message effectively.

If you hope to reach children, you will use messages and graphics that makes sense to children. However, if you are trying to reach high income earners, your tactics must be more refined.

Both of the following ads are attempting to market their leather handbags to high-end consumers. The first one uses a bizarre image of a youthful group and the cheeky headline, "Show Off". The second ad, by Ogilvy & Mather, uses a sophisticated, classic image of the highly recognizable Sally Ride, Buzz Aldrin and Jim Lovell. Which do you think is more likely to hit it's target?

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Client Showcase—Centennial apparel helps build momentum

We designed this shirt as as part of a campaign to commemorate the 100-year anniversary of Inland California's Gresham Savage law firm. Apparel is a great way to build momentum for a message internally, and works well as a supporting element in a Centennial communication package.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Swagger Wagon Commercial

To market their new minivan, the Sienna, Toyota features a young family rapping about their new ride. The well-executed direction is both unique and sure to raise interest in a type of vehicle typically reserved for soccer-mom types.

How would you rate it?

Friday, August 20, 2010

Mayo Clinic: One to Watch on Social Media

Is the social media revolution the most far-reaching communications development since the printing press?

Last month Mayo Clinic announced the launch of their Center for Social Media designed to facilitate communication among patients and between patients and knowledgeable medical professionals.

Mayo is using social media to:
  • Involve employees in business strategies
  • Manage change
  • Share news
  • Share resources with other organizations
  • Explore use of social networking tools for collaboration among employees in an effort to improve care
  • Connect patients
  • Share stories from patients, families, and staff
  • Convey health information
Mayo Clinic is already the most popular medical provider channel on YouTube.

We'll be interested in following their progress as they blaze the trail for social media use in health care.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Want a solid social media strategy? Start here.

Social media is revolutionizing business to consumer communication by making the consumer, rather than the business, the most credible voice about a product or service--and providing the consumer with an expanded sphere of influence.

While word-of-mouth advertising has always been effective, social media now makes it possible for consumers to talk to a much wider audience about their experience with a product or service. Where once businesses could control their messaging--at least to some degree--today the consumers not only have more control over the message, they have more credibility with other consumers.

Mark Hurst, customer experience advocate and producer of the Good Experience newsletter and blog, is right on when he says that the first step in building a good social media strategy is building a good customer experience.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Pssst! They're talking about you again.

The digital media has provided a platform for anyone who has an opinion to speak. While marketers like to think of the opportunities this affords to reach prospective customers, it also provides a platform for others to talk about your brand. Take a minute to do a Google search on your company—and see what they're saying about you.

Copyright © 2009 CMBell Company, Inc.

Unless otherwise credited, all content copyrighted by CMBell Company.